Thesis Summary
Thesis Summary  
Stacie L. Hibino, hibino at acm dot org

MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking (MMVIS):
A Multimedia Interactive Visualization Environment
for Exploration and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Video Data

Advisor: Professor Elke A. Rundensteiner


Official Dissertation Items (Final Versions) 

Extended Abstract

New, easy-to-use interfaces are needed to increase the accessibility and simplify the analysis of multimedia data to both technical and everyday users. In my thesis work, I propose visual, direct manipulation interfaces as a novel paradigm shift to address this problem. In this thesis summary, I present the main ideas of the paradigm based on my MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking (MMVIS) environment. MMVIS tightly integrates a temporal visual query language with a user-tailorable visualization of results. The visual query language simplifies the inquiry process for users, allowing them to quickly and easily submit queries, as well as to explore temporal relationships between different types of objects or events within the video data. The visualization presents the results of each query in an intuitive, aggregated fashion. The visualization is dynamically updated as constraints within a query are adjusted, thereby aiding users in the discovery of temporal data trends. Although the focus of my thesis work is on the temporal analysis of video data, I have designed a general information visualization approach capable of integrating new query interfaces and visualizations for spatial and motion analysis. The framework is also not limited to video data and can handle various types of temporal and/or spatio-temporal data.

1. Introduction and Motivation: The Need for a New Query Paradigm

The need for easy-to-use multimedia databases to organize, store, and access multimedia data is becoming more critical with the increasing popularity of this technology for both technical and everyday users. In my thesis work, I am addressing this issue by examining the research issues and advantages in making a paradigm shift from traditional text-based query and retrieval mechanisms (e.g., SQL) to a new visual, direct manipulation approach to accessing multimedia data. This new paradigm is designed to 1) exploit characteristics inherent in multimedia data, features such as the temporal continuity of video, the visual and spatial characteristics of images, etc., and 2) allow users to easily browse and explore data, rather than force them to construct long and cumbersome query statements. To complement these new query interfaces, new presentations of retrieved results are being explored to replace current text-based formats (e.g., tabular displays) and to take advantage of the visual, spatial, and temporal characteristics of multimedia data.

My thesis work focuses on the design, use, and evaluation of visual, dynamic, direct manipulation interfaces to multimedia databases. In my thesis, I am proposing that new visual paradigms--not just graphical flow-chart analogies to SQL queries or static forms-based interfaces--are needed for:

  1. quickly and easily specifying queries through simple mouse actions,
  2. obtaining immediate, contextual feedback via an interactive visual display of results,
  3. allowing dynamic, incremental updates of queries specified by adjusting customized query widgets, and
  4. providing generic, composable query and visualization modules allowing end-users to easily customize applications according to tasks and the underlying media used.

2. Overall Approach and Research Goals

Visual information seeking (VIS) approaches (Ahlberg and Shneiderman, 1994) are a right step in this direction of improving access to complex multimedia data for both expert and novice users. VIS is a process for browsing database information using visual, direct manipulation query filters, tightly integrated with a visualization of results. The visualization presents the filtered data and is dynamically updated as users incrementally adjust query parameters by adjusting the query filters (i.e., via the users' direct manipulation of buttons and sliders). VIS is characterized by rapid filtering, progressive refinement, continuous reformulation of goals, and visual scanning to identify results. The utility of applying this paradigm to video analysis is that it allows users to explore data by direct manipulation and to gain a sense of causality between adjusting individual filters and the corresponding changes presented in the updated visualization. This integrated exploratory approach to video analysis allows users to filter and explore multimedia data in a spatio-temporal manner and is in contrast to previous work, where users are required to either pre-code relationships, search for temporal relationships without the aid of relative temporal query mechanisms, or use semantic descriptions to capture spatial information (Roschelle et al., 1990; Harrison, et al., 1994).

My approach to video analysis* is 1) to use spatio-temporal (multimedia) annotations to code objects and events in the video data, storing these annotations in a database, and 2) to apply and extend the VIS paradigm to video data (i.e., to design an interactive visualization environment for exploring the annotation database, by integrating a multimedia visual query language with a user-tailorable spatio-temporal visualization of results). The annotations are used to abstract atomic temporal and spatial, as well as semantic information from the video. The visual query language allows users to specify relative temporal and/or spatial queries between various types of annotations. In this way, not only can users query the annotation collection to find out when various events occur, but they can also query it to determine when events of different types meet a particular temporal and/or spatial relationship criteria (e.g., "show me all places in the video when events of type A start at the same time as events of type B").

While basic support for creating annotations will be provided, the primary focus of my thesis research is on the spatio-temporal analysis of video data. (Although users are currently required to create annotations by hand, we anticipate that advances in bit-level video analysis and object extraction (e.g., Hampapur et al., 1994; Nagasaka and Tanaka, 1992) will eventually be integrated to automate this process.) In particular, my thesis goals for applying and extending the VIS approach for video analysis include the following:

  1. to design a multimedia visual query language for supporting analysis of temporal, spatial, and motion relationships between data events,
  2. to enhance the visual query environment with user-customizable spatio-temporal visualizations dynamically linked to the data for providing immediate, contextual feedback about temporal and/or spatial relationships,
  3. to develop optimized query processing and incremental update strategies for MMVIS queries and visualizations,
  4. to verify the feasibility of the proposed techniques through prototype implementation and testing, and
  5. to evaluate the functionality, performance, and usability of the visual query language and integrated MMVIS environment through usability and case studies.

3. Framework for a MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking Environment

Figure 1. Overall framework for the MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking (MMVIS) environment.

Figure 1 presents the system framework for applying and extending VIS to the problem of video analysis (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1995b). In our MultiMedia VIS (MMVIS) environment, users use a set of Annotation Tools to first code the video data with annotations. They can then explore and analyze the video through iteratively specifying queries using a visual query language (VQL) and reviewing the visualization of results presented. Similar to VIS, our interface will be composed of dynamic query filters to allow rapid adjustment of query parameters via the use of buttons and sliders. This is in contrast to text-based query languages, where query specification and modification are typically much more complicated and non-intuitive.

The queries are interpreted by a VQL processor and then forwarded to the Database Manager. The retrieved results are passed to a Presentation Manager. The Presentation Manager takes the query results, along with any user-defined display preferences and updates a visualization. In this way, the visualization is updated every time users make changes to any query filter. Users can visually scan the results to look for data trends. If no trends are found, they can use the presentation language (PL) to clarify the visualization, the navigation controls to further explore query results, or the VQL to incrementally adjust the query. In addition, if users wish to test a new hypothesis or explore different characteristics of the data, they can use the VQL to do so. Thus, queries are expressed incrementally as users specify desired values for each query parameter. In such an environment, users can gain a sense of causality between adjusting a query filter and the corresponding changes presented in both the other query filters and the visualization.

4. A Visual Query Language for Relative Queries of Spatio-Temporal Data

I am developing a visual query language for relative temporal, spatial, and motion queries to preserve the basic VIS characteristics of rapid filtering and incremental query specification. The advantage of using a visual language is that it provides easier access to data filtering and querying of such complex multimedia data to naive database users. The utility of combining a visual query language with the ability to specify queries incrementally is that it provides an environment conducive to data browsing, data exploration, and trend searching. This is in contrast to text-based query languages (e.g., Snodgrass, 1987), where incrementally updating a query can be a time-consuming and cumbersome process. Our query language takes advantage of the inherent spatio-temporal characteristics of video. In particular, the language provides support for the continuous nature of video--so that users will not only be able to temporally browse the data, but they also will be able to browse the video data in a temporally continuous manner.
Figure 2. Temporal Visual Query Language

Figure 2 presents the query palette for our temporal visual query language (TVQL). TVQL can be used to specify any one of the 13 primitive temporal relationships between events of non-zero duration (Allen, 1983), as well as any combination of them. The advantages of our TVQL design are 1) users can dynamically and incrementally refine their temporal queries by manipulating the slider thumbs, 2) the sliders provide continuous ranges of values allowing users to easily select a group of temporal primitives which are similar to one another (i.e., allowing users to select "temporal neighborhoods" (Freksa, 1992)), and 3) a dynamic temporal diagram is provided to visually clarify the specified query. The temporal diagram dynamically updates as users adjust slider thumbs, thereby providing a visual indication of the correlation between individual temporal primitives and the numerical ranges specified for the temporal end point relationships. The details and derivation of the TVQL are described elsewhere (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1996; Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1995a).

5. Spatio-Temporal Visualizations

The results of each query are displayed using spatio-temporal data visualizations. There are currently three primary components of the MMVIS temporal visualization (TViz): 1) icons and text fields representing the different types of video annotations (i.e., objects and events) in the annotation collection, 2) transparent yellow circle and blue square overlays highlighting A and B subsets, respectively, and 3) connectors between A and B events representing the presence and relative strength of temporal relationships between them. Each of these components will be described using the sample screendump in Figure 3. The figure includes the A and B Subset selection palettes, the main MMVIS window, and the TVQL temporal query palette. The example is based on a case study using TVQL and MMVIS to analyze real video data collected as part of a CSCW study (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1997b). In the original CSCW study (Olson, et al., 1995), researchers collected video data to analyze and characterize the process flow of a planning meeting between three subjects ("Carol," "Richard," and "Gary") collaborating from remote sites. The data was coded to indicate when each person spoke as well as to characterize the design rationale of what was being said (e.g., to indicate when criteria, alternatives, etc., took place in the meeting).

MMVIS Environment
Figure 3. MMVIS Environment.
Sample temporal analysis of CSCW video data of a design meeting.
5.1 Icons and Text Fields Representing the Video Annotations
The visualization of results forms the central core of the main MMVIS window. Before any results are displayed, the visualization displays icons and text fields representing the various types of objects and events in the database of video annotations. Figure 3 contains talk bubble icons to indicate individuals who speak in the video, text fields to display a transcription of what individuals say, and icons along the center of the visualization display to indicate the different types of design rationales taking place. In the sample video, individuals are each recorded in one quadrant of the screen and do not walk across the screen (e.g., as one might see an actor walking across the screen in a movie). Thus, in Figure 3, the spatial location of the talk bubble icons and transcription fields directly corresponds to where each person was recorded in the original video.
5.2 Visualization of the Selected Event Subsets
In MMVIS, users first select two subsets (A and B) via subset query palettes (see Figure 3, Subset A query palette). We designed multi-selection filters so that users can select one or more items from a list of alpha-numeric data. Vertical bars along the side of the lists indicate the last action taken and its impact on the values of other parameters. In Figure 3, the Subset A query palette selects all Activity (Talking & NonVerbal) types of events while Subset B selects all design rationales (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1995c).

Yellow transparent circles are displayed in the visualization to highlight the corresponding A events, as the user de/selects values from each parameter list. Similarly, blue transparent squares indicate B events. The radius of these transparent overlays represent either relative frequency (Figure 3), average duration, or total duration, customized according to the user's preference. Display options are available in the lower right corner of the main MMVIS window. By switching back and forth between display options, the user can gain additional information about the data (e.g., such as whether or not events with low frequency have relatively high average duration).

5.3 Visualization of the Temporal Relationships
Once users have selected subsets, they can then explore various relationships between members of these subsets using the specialized relationship query filters (e.g., TVQL). In Figure 3, TVQL specifies the relationship where events of type A start at the same time as events of type B, but A events can end before, at the same time as, or after B events end. This represents a combination of the starts, equals, and started-by temporal primitives. The temporal diagram at the bottom of the palette visually confirms this, and is dynamically updated as users adjust any one of the temporal query filters.

As users manipulate the temporal query filters, they can also review the visualization of results (and changes in it) for trends and exceptions. The existence of a relationship between A and B events is visually indicated as a connector drawn between their centers. The width of the connector indicates the relative frequency of the temporal relationship. For example, Figure 3 indicates that Gary never starts talking at the same time as a Digression; and NonVerbal events frequently start at the same time as a Pause. TVQL can be used to easily browse variations on the temporal relationship specified. For example, users could adjust the second temporal query filter (endA-endB filter) to see how the visualization changes when Activities (Talking and NonVerbals) end before or at the same time as (but not after) Rationales end. This could be done simply by moving the right thumb to zero.

6. Evaluation

We evaluate the functionality of TVQL by comparing it to existing languages in terms of expressive power (i.e., what types of queries can and cannot be made; see thesis Chapter 3). The k-Bucket is a new index structure that I developed for the open problem of processing incremental multidimensional range queries, such as those posed using TVQL (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1998b). We test efficiency of the k-Bucket (and thus TVQL) by comparing and contrasting algorithms for query processing. We tested the algorithms under different conditions (e.g., data set size, data distribution) to determine under what circumstances one performs better than another, as well as to examine the feasibility of (dynamically) adapting query processing to these different conditions. Our results show that the k-Bucket is the best overall performer for processing all data set sizes under eight of nine buffer conditions -- all conditions except for when processing very large data set sizes in a very small buffer size.

I demonstrate the viability and usability of MMVIS through prototype implementation and a case study applying MMVIS to the analysis of real video data, as well as through two user interface studies. The case study illustrates how MMVIS can be used to incrementally identify and compare various temporal data trends and how these results can then be used to investigate higher order trends. The first user interface study compares TVQL to a forms-based query language (TForms), showing that while TVQL takes longer to learn, TVQL subjects are more efficient and more accurate in specifying queries than TForms subjects (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1997a). The second study compares the utility of MMVIS to a basic timeline for finding temporal trends, showing that subjects can use either interface to find interesting and complex temporal trends, but that MMVIS subjects are more accurate and are able to detect trends and exceptions, whereas timeline subjects are biased against finding exceptions to trends (Hibino and Rundensteiner, 1998a).

7. Future Work

In the future, I plan to do the following:


Allen, J.F. (1983). Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals. Communications of the ACM, 26(11), 832-843.

Ahlberg, C., and Shneiderman, B. (1994). Visual Information Seeking: Tight Coupling of Dynamic Query Filters with Starfield Displays. CHI'94 Conference Proc., ACM Press, pp. 619-626.

Dimitrova, N. and Golshani, F. (1994). Rx for Semantic Video Database Retrieval. ACM Multimedia'94 Proceedings: ACM Press, pp. 219-226.

Freksa, C. (1992). Temporal reasoning based on semi-intervals. Artificial Intelligence, 54(1992), 199-227.

Hampapur, A., Weymouth, T., and Jain, R. (1994). Digital Video Segmentation. ACM Multimedia'94 Proceedings: ACM Press, pp. 357-364.

Harrison, B.L., Owen, R., and Baecker, R.M. (1994). Timelines: An Interactive System for the Collection of Visualization of Temporal Data. Proceedings of Graphics Interface '94. Canadian Information Processing Society.

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1998a). "Comparing MMVIS to a Timeline for Temporal Trend Analysis of Video Data," Advanced Visual Interfaces 1998 (AVI'98) Conference Proceedings. NY: ACM Press, 195-204. (258K gzip'd ps file, 147K gzip'd ps file of color plate)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1998b). "Processing Incremental Multidimensional Range Queries in a Direct Manipulation Visual Query Environment," 1998 International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'98) Conference Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 458-465. (224K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1997a). "User Interface Evaluation of a Direct Manipulation Temporal Visual Query Language," ACM Multimedia'97 Conference Proceedings. NY: ACM Press, 99-107. (308K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1997b). "Interactive Visualizations for Temporal Analysis: Application to CSCW Multimedia Data." In Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval (Mark Maybury, Ed.). Boston, MA: MIT Press, 313-335. (213 gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1996c). "A Visual Multimedia Query Language for Temporal Analysis of Video Data." In Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies (K. Nwosu, B. Thuraisingham, and P.B. Berra, Eds.). Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 123-159. (242K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1995) "A Visual Query Language for Identifying Temporal Trends in Video Data," International Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems (IW-MMDBMS'95). IEEE Computer Press, 74-81. (249K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1995) "Interactive Visualizations for Exploration and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Video Data," IJCAI'95 workshop, Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, Montreal, Quebec, Aug. 1995. (PS file)

Nagasaka, A. and Tanaka, A. (1992). Automatic Video Indexing and Full-Video Search for Object Appearances. Visual Database Systems, II (E. Knuth and L.M. Wegner, Eds.), pp. 113-127. Elsevier Science Publishers.

Olson, J., Olson, G., and Meader, D. (1995). What mix of audio and video is important for remote work. CHI'95 Conf. Proc. NY: ACM. 362-368.

Roschelle, J., Pea, R., and Trigg, R. (1990). VIDEONOTER: A tool for exploratory analysis (Research Rep. No. IRL90-0021). Palo Alto, CA: Institute for Research on Learning.

Snodgrass, R. (1987). The Temporal Query Language TQuel. ACM Trans. on Database Systems, 12(2), 247-298.

Recent Publications (taken from Papers list)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1998a). "Comparing MMVIS to a Timeline for Temporal Trend Analysis of Video Data," Advanced Visual Interfaces 1998 (AVI'98) Conference Proceedings. NY: ACM Press, 195-204. (258K gzip'd ps file, 147K gzip'd ps file of color plate)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1998b). "Processing Incremental Multidimensional Range Queries in a Direct Manipulation Visual Query Environment," 1998 International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'98) Conference Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 458-465. (224K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1997a). "User Interface Evaluation of a Direct Manipulation Temporal Visual Query Language," ACM Multimedia'97 Conference Proceedings. NY: ACM Press, 99-107. (308K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1997b). "Interactive Visualizations for Temporal Analysis: Application to CSCW Multimedia Data." In Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval (Mark Maybury, Ed.). Boston, MA: MIT Press, 313-335. (213 gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1996a). "MMVIS: Design and Implementation of a MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking Environment." ACM Multimedia'96 Conference Proceedings, NY: ACM Press, 75-86. (1.6Meg gzip'd pdf file, 363K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1996b).  "Query Processing in the MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking Environment: A Comparative Evaluation," University of Michigan, Technical Report, CSE-TR-308-96. (updated 118K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1996c). "A Visual Multimedia Query Language for Temporal Analysis of Video Data." In Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies (K. Nwosu, B. Thuraisingham, and P.B. Berra, Eds.). Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 123-159. (242K gzip'd PS file)

Hibino, S., and Rundensteiner, E. A. (1996). "MMVIS: A MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking Environment for Video Analysis," CHI'96 Conference Companion, Formal Demonstration Summary. (postscript file)

Hibino, S. (1996). "Extending and Evaluating Visual Information Seeking for Video Data," CHI'96 Conference Companion, CHI'96 Doctoral Consortium, 1996. (postscript file)

Hibino, S. and Rundensteiner, E.A. (1995) "A Visual Query Language for Identifying Temporal Trends in Video Data," International Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems (IW-MMDBMS'95). IEEE Computer Press, 74-81. (249K gzip'd PS file)

*[footnote:] In this summary, video analysis refers to the process of identifying trends and relationships between events in the video data. This is in contrast to bit-level video analysis such as that used for object extraction.
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last updated 02/10/2018, hibino at acm dot org